The following facts/reports came to light in view of corruption in physical/other form of share of agriculture/farmers:
According to the research conducted by Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution (presently known/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution), organized corruption spread from Gram Panchayat to government/non-governmental/other systems, which is a "blocker" to make India a developed nation. Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution Various experiments conducted for agriculture/farmer share, after testing various proposals submitted by Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution, such as the main factors of farmer suicides, affected by bank loans or organized corruption related to it or due to it. A proposal was made to get rid of it. During a research, it was found that the loan received from rural level public banks or other banks (very poor farmers about =@44%) was obtained through bank brokers through all means of brokerage and bribe. The loan is obtained under the greed or compulsion of low interest or grant etc. on the loan. In government agricultural schemes, direct bribe =@5% to =@10% in the name of banks or =@10% to =@20% is paid indirectly in the name of brokerage or files for obtaining the loan. In this bribery, indirectly, the payment of brokerage to be taken in the name of files or the money taken in the name of files is proposed by the Poor/Medium Approx. =@44% by ultra-low income farmers. After getting loan from agriculture/other government schemes from the bank, the interest is obtained through moneylenders or interest earners on return basis. In government agricultural schemes after obtaining interest of about 1 year to =@3 or =@5 or =@7 months in government approvals and other proceedings in obtaining loans after interest/other grant channels, the farmers proposed to receive the loan. Due to all the government's other problems in doing so, that loan was found to be a result of frustration in the minds of farmers (debtors) as a result of getting that loan. In the view of frustration, cases of suicide etc. occurred during debt collection. Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution, currently the trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution, is taking almost complete stop/action on organized corruption prevailing in the agricultural sector of the country. And Hon'ble Chief Minister is working under the protection of Uttar Pradesh or after approval under Zero Tolerance or Institutional Zero Corruption Based Policy. The Hon'ble Prime Minister will be committed by the Institution to the physical implementation of institutional schemes/projects under the Zero Tolerance or Institutional Zero Corruption Based Policy of the Government of India and Hon'ble Chief Minister. Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution, during the research of various problems and cause/cause of suicide of farmers by the present Central Agricultural Development Institution, it was found that the bank loan and farmer credit card or agriculture related loan was only =@90% behind the farmer suicide. Has been a factor. During the investigation, it was found that the farm loan obtained from the bank by the farmers of the minimum category and farmers from =@1 bigha to =@5 bigha, disposed off the agricultural loan after the sale of the remaining agricultural produce produced after the family expenditure. It is impossible that the main reason behind this was found by the bank to deal with the farmers through maximum bank brokers and to keep the farmers away from the right information. At the same time, the refinance received by banks for doing business of loans, to increase the inflation by refinancing the loans of the bribe/brokerage farmers on loan or NPA assets and including the burden of NPA in the economy of the country, cases of assistants, etc. were seen.
In order of the above order issued by the Honorable Chief Minister Office Uttar Pradesh Government, order number 15157170045184, from the Agriculture Department Uttar Pradesh, the order number Prasar-265 dated 01-06-2016, Prasar-475 dated 20-07-2016 and letter Prasar- 718 dated 09-09-2016 in the order issued by the Directorate of Agriculture, Uttar Pradesh Extension Section, issued by the Office of the Deputy Director of Agriculture, by the Dissemination 2027/Jansunwai/2017-18/dated 02 February 2018, Order Order No. 3310 dated 23 February 2018 In order, the affiliation recommendation check order dated 24 February 2018 was released. On the basis of which order number 11157160022592, 1515180032594, issued from Honorable Chief Minister's office, received approval/approval. Government Order/Order No. 1228/12-5-2018 issued by Uttar Pradesh Government for providing refinance by NABARD in the order of order number 15157180182726 issued by Hon'ble Chief Minister Office to Mr. Additional Chief Secretary/Secretary/Department of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh. Sa-08/2018 Lucknow dated 04 October 2018, the Institution received no objection or action was ensured.
The Uttar Pradesh State Government made purchases by setting up Farmers' Service Centers at Nyay Panchayat level by purchasing agricultural raw produce or food grains/paddy/wheat produced by them at the Gram Sabha level by Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution by subscribing to the farmers at the Gram Sabha level The arrangement will be ensured. About =@44% of such farmers who are unable to sell their own produced paddy/wheat whose selling capacity varies from =@1 quintal to =@5 quintals due to distance of purchasing centers. =@66% of the farmers =@ 76% of the farmers have a selling capacity of paddy/wheat from =@5 quintals to =@15 quintals. They are forced to sell their produce at a paltry price by resorting to other means due to distance. The establishment of Krishak Seva Kendra was found to be appropriate to ensure a solution to the selling problem at the level of the judiciary. At the same time, other agricultural raw products were also included in the institutional purchasing scheme. Payment in online =@12 to =@32 hours of shopping (excluding government holidays) through NEFT/RTGS/other means to the account of farmers/agricultural producers/milk/milk producers or all medicinal/other products included in institutional schemes. Provision was made to ensure the system. Provision has been made to ensure the system of online monitoring of farmers' service centers to be set up at the judiciary level. Provision has been made for the establishment of institutional chilling/warehouse for proper maintenance and management of all the raw materials purchased. In the order of the above, in the order of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Order No. 170/29-5-2018/5 (1)/18-TC, District Food Marketing Officer Lucknow letter No. 789/IGRS/2017 dated 30-10-2017 Approval of IGRS Reference Number 12157180079853 issued from Mr. Commissioner Food, Mr. Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary Food and Logistics Department and Hon'ble Chief Minister's Office in the order of letter marketing officer Lucknow/01/IRR/2018 dated 03-04-2018 Happened
The said agreement between Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution (presently known/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution) and AYUSH unit King George Medical University was approved through order number 12157190017652 of Uttar Pradesh Government and State Government. The benefit under the Farmer Two times-2022 scheme (under the rules) or other schemes of Institutional Farmer's Income by providing free training under the Medicinal Agricultural Produce Scheme under one and a half times guaranteed scheme under the interest-free loan at the rate of Rs 20 thousand per bigha to the farmers (registered) by the Institution Will be provided. Under this, contract/contribution/grant etc. will be provided under the Medicinal Plant Mission under the crops related to medicinal agricultural products by the Ministry of AYUSH, including 140 medicinal plants respectively. Under which, in the order of order number-CM0-53/58-2019-179/2015 dated April 16, 2019 on the proposal submitted by the Institution to the Honorable Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh, the directorate's letter 233/NAB/2019-20 Letter dated 76-77 of Directorate Food and Processing Department Uttar Pradesh under date 24 April 2019, which was approved from Honorable Chief Minister Office.
In the order of livestock development policy presented by the Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government by Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution (presently known/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution), holiday/other cows have interests or conservation/promotion/protection of animals/other In the order of the order issued by the Livestock Department, letter no. In the order dated 04-07-2018, no objection/acceptance with public interest utility was received. The order of the Uttar Pradesh government was issued through order number 3709/thirty-two-2018 Lucknow dated 5 November 2018.
Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution (presently known/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution) presented to the Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government for the solution of agricultural/agricultural part environmental problems DIRECTORATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DIRECTORATE Uttar Pradesh Letter No. 345/Environment/IRRS/2018 dated June 29, 2018, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board Reference No. 3203-4/C0-6/Sa-66/IRRS/20 dated 23-01-2020, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Section-7 Number 214/81-2019 Lucknow dated 9 July 2019 Departmental proceedings/approval/clearance was received.
Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan (currently popular/trade name Kendriya Krishi Vikas Sansthan) presented to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh Government to create maximum employment (all categories) or create 100% corruption free servants through various means or To develop the system or to develop transparent educational/educational/educational/other methods, for short/long certification/other courses and training for the formation of honest/national beneficiary servants, order number CM 212/seventy- In the order of 1-2018 Lucknow dated 27 December 2018, Hon'ble Chief Minister level approval was received.
Often in the cases of government jobs, it was found that the government job today was found to take the form of a corruption-like business and the rate (price) from first class to fourth class was found to be fixed in the name of the same job. Deserving candidates were often overlooked in government jobs and it was often found to ensure the selection of ineligible candidates by taking bribe. If the officer/employee started doing honesty or expected to be done, then such employee/officer/servants/officers were found to be victims of conspiracy to murder or to be implicated in fake cases etc. In this context, the Hon'ble High Court of Allahabad called "honest officer". Endangered creatures like their protection is necessary" like quoted.
Corruption has acquired the status of a subsidiary industry in place of agriculture. Such a farmer will more or less waive the loan amount by the government and takes the form of a weak farmer by falling into other daydreams. Due to the NPA of the debt assets, the inflation of the rupee increases above a certain limit and the rupee starts depreciating in the international markets. It has been found in a report that after a certain time the indebted farmer who secures a good future in the hope that due to lack of proper training or proper knowledge, he becomes aware of the real status of the amount received in the loan. Due to non-availability, the loan amount is not utilized properly. After a certain period of time, he falls into mental depression on the issue of notice of an amount exceeding a certain limit on that amount and is compelled to commit maladaptive acts like suicide if no other remedy is visible to him. In the agricultural sector, it was often found that agricultural work by the farmers in this way became a useless work and the youth (rural) started migrating from rural to cities beyond a certain limit, due to which the burden on the cities increased beyond a certain limit and a Unemployment started increasing beyond a certain limit, while agriculture can be created as an industry or in the form of industry, employment can be created on a large scale. Often it was found that proper arrangements for purchase of raw products produced by farmers could not be made available to the nation of India even after so many years of independence, due to which we could not provide only 2% to 10% (two to ten percent). ) were able to make their physical (representation of India) presence (actual) in the international markets, while it is the inefficiency of not making proper use of the qualified and skilled candidates of the government or the Indian nation.
Proposal letter 162/U.P.K.V.No./Lucknow/2018-19 dated 03-10-2018 by Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan (currently popular/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution) approved by the Institution in front of Hon'ble Labor and Employment Minister, New Delhi, 1.5 lakh (one and a half lakh) various contract / other posts, Uttar Pradesh government order number 1204/36-3-2018-89(C)/2018 dated July 17, 2018 and order number 1435 /36-3-2018-89( S)/2018 dated August 27, 2018, approval was received after completing all the departmental proceedings.
State/National level proposal submitted by Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan (currently popular/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution) in order of state-level clearance/affiliation/acceptance (Budget/Others) Hon'ble Prime Minister, Government of India and Hon'ble Chairman Policy Annual expenditure 4527 crores (four thousand five hundred twenty-seven crore) for the operation of institutional units presented for the financial year 2018-19 to 2022-23, respectively, 349 crores (three hundred and ninety crores) for human resources, presented to the Commission. 186 crores (one hundred eighty-six crore) for expenditure on milk machinery, 100 crores (hundred crores) for expenditure on paddy mill, 6680 crores (six thousand six hundred eighty crores) for expenditure on land and construction work, for expenditure on vehicle purchase. 89.80 crore (ninety-one crore eighty lakh) total 11931.80 crores (eleven thousand nine hundred thirty-one crore eighty lakh only) on the budget demand proposal, in the order of Hon'ble Prime Minister's Office reference number PMOPG/D0/2018/0296165 dated 17-08-2018 Order File No. 17-1/ of the Department of Livestock, Milk and Fisheries, Ministry of Welfare. The budget demand proposal presented by DP dated 19 September 2018 received approval/approval by Mr.Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution (currently prevailing/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution) in order to conduct state level examination of 5529 various contractual posts, in order of order issued from the office of Hon'ble Chief Minister, the order letter of District School Inspector Lucknow/External Examination. 322-23/2019-20 dated 10th April 2019, 299/Munsarim/2019 dated 11th April 2019, issued by District Magistrate Lucknow, two schools, respectively, Government Hussainabad Inter College Lucknow and Aminabad Inter College Lucknow under the Department of Agriculture. Under the efficient supervision of Mr. District Magistrate Lucknow, District School Inspector Lucknow, Senior Superintendent of Police Lucknow, Superintendent of Police (Protocol) Lucknow, Principals respectively, Government Hussainabad Inter College Lucknow and Aminabad Inter College Lucknow, on 28 April 2019, 100 percent copyless examination, efficiently completed.
Due to the overall plans/action plans of the Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution (current name/trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution)/other national level perimeter, the letters submitted by the Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution to the Goods and Services Tax - 2006/K.V.//According to the order of approval/acceptance of various proposals submitted by the Institution after revising the trade name of Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution, the Central Agricultural Development Institution after the approval of the Government of India, in the order of K. A. (U.V.)/2019-20 dated 12/07/2019 Permanent as an independent central agency for the fulfillment/fulfillment of the inherent objectives of agriculture/farmers or Institution as an autonomous institution by the Government of India for the purposes of agriculture/cultivators till the establishment of an internationally developed nation. Will work as approved, approval was received.
For the establishment of the Central Headquarters of the Institution by the Central Agricultural Development Institution (Prev. Revision/Trade Name Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution), through the Order Diary no. 472175 dated 17-01-2020, Government of India Secretary, Agriculture Secretary, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan Institutional action has been taken regarding providing finance to the Ministry of Commerce for purchase of Central Headquarters in NCR by Diary No. 366924/S. (T.) dated 23-03-2020 issued by New Delhi.
Order Diary No. 438536 dated 29-29, issued on the proposal presented on 20-08-2019 by the Central Agricultural Development Institution (Prevailing Prevailing/Trade Name Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution) for providing budget to Mr. Agriculture Secretary, Government of India, New Delhi. In order of 08-2019, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India, New Delhi, Order File No. 12033/69/2019-PC dated 07-11-2019, Order was issued by the Institution in various meetings of Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India, New Delhi. Provision was made for the establishment of Institutional International Level 01 (One) High Automated Mega Food Park in Delhi.
National Notice to the Institution by the Central Agricultural Development Institution (Prevailing Prevailing/Trade Name Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution) to the Hon'ble Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, New Delhi, under letter no. Order No. 10 (16)/2018-EG-II dated 26- dated 13-20-2020 issued from the Ministry to the Director-General National Information Center on the proposal for providing official mass mail and website by the Center. In order of 002-2020, the Institution received the official email id
During the Corona period, the Central Agricultural Development Institution (Pre-Revision/Trade Name Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution) invited 2167 different posts for appointment through interview through email. In that order, the Institution received approval from the Ministry of Labor and Employment as an autonomous public sector enterprise. In response, 2167 posts were sanctioned by the National Career Services Ministry of Labor and Employment by Job ID 15V79-1357159302290J.
Order No.PMPG/D/2020/0101494 issued by Honorable Prime Minister Office to Mr. Private/Principal Secretary, Government of India, New Delhi by the Central Agricultural Development Institution (Prevailing Prev. Visited as a subordinate organization.
The above institutional partial history is being presented, and other research/proceedings are in vogue. In all research / investigation / proceedings, cooperation / approvals / clearances / others or ministerial / departmental cooperation / approvals / no objections / others were received from various high level / other government / other officers / employees / others. Central Agricultural Development Institution (Ex-Prevailing/trade name Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution) under the protection of Hon'ble Prime Minister, Government of India, New Delhi and Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow or as per the order / as per the instructions / as required to establish the nation as an internationally developed nation. Institution independent central agency in the order of zero tolerance or zero corruption based policy (Z.C.B.P.) for the fulfillment of the objectives of agriculture/farmers or the institution as an autonomous institution by the Government of India for the purpose of agriculture/farmers' share Permanently operating as an autonomous Central Public Sector Enterprise or approved by the Government of India. Along with this, various departmental/other government / non-government proceedings are prevalent by the institution. Information for public interest will be made available from time to time accessible to the general public through various means. The institution is committed to the investment/investor benefit, employment benefit, or benefits contained in all other facts in the course of investment/schemes or others declared by the institution.
Under the Industrial Investment and Employment Promotion Policy - 2017 (No-22/2017/869/18-2-2017-80(LU)/2017) Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan (current trade name Kendriya Krishi Vikas Sansthan) has been given to the Government of Uttar Pradesh. Issued from Mandate No. 2849/77-6-2020-L.C. In the order of 61/2017 dated 28 September 2020, Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan (current trade name Central Agricultural Development Institution) and Horticulture and Food Processing Department, Uttar Pradesh Lucknow on behalf of the State Government of Uttar Pradesh have issued letter no. In the order of 19-21 /2018-19 dated April 06, 2018, the farmers' service center/mini collection center proposed to be established institutional at minimum / other support price for the agricultural raw/other products (included in the institutional scheme) of the identified / registered farmers. Ensuring procurement through artificial intelligence at Milk Collection Center, increasing the availability of self-employment while creating employment in rural areas.
Ensuring additional investment (industrial/others) @ 183 crores in milk and agro-processing sector.
Under the Zero Corruption Based Policy (Z.C.B.P.) of the Central Agricultural Development Institution (pre-amendment/trade name Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan) or other legal matters, the jurisdiction is presently Lucknow. After the establishment of the central headquarters, the jurisdiction of legal matters will be Greater Noida NCR, Uttar Pradesh and after the construction or establishment of state level headquarters (all categories), the concerned state can declare its respective jurisdiction.
Central Agricultural Development Institution (Prevailing/trade name Uttar Pradesh Krishi Vikas Sansthan) reserves all rights on the above facts/details. In cases of clerical/other error, action will be ensured as per rules on the basis of information received.
The Central Agricultural Development Institution (Pre-Revision/Trade Name Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Development Institution) reserves the right to the above facts/details. Based on the information received in cases of clerical/other errors, action can be ensured as per rules.
The general public is informed that the order diary number 472175 dated 17 January 2020 issued on the purchase proposal presented in front of Shri Agriculture Secretary, Government of India, New Delhi on 17 January 2020 for the establishment of a private central office/headquarters by the Central Agricultural Development Institution. Under the proposal letter No. 43/KVS/2019-20 dated January 20, 2020 issued from the Central Agricultural Development Institution, Mr. Assistant Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, issued approval/suggestion order letter number 366924/S.M. .(T.C.) dated 23.03.2020 immediately Mr. Agriculture Secretary to the Government of India New Delhi 106/KVVNo./2019-20 dated February 26, 2020 regarding procurement proceedings report/proposal/report or grant of institutional approval Was done . Order number CRCD000732687864 dated 30 January 2020 issued to Hon'ble Chief Minister, UP Government on the purchase proposal for the establishment of Central Office / Headquarters, Order No. of Greater Noida Development Authority-Gr.No./Institutional/2020/995 dated January 30, 2020. 04.02.2020 The proceedings have been completed. In order to establish the Central Office / Headquarters at NCR Greater Noida in the order of CRCF0013886793 issued on 27th June 2022 from the office of Hon'ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh, Central Office after various actions on 27th July 2022. The approval of the Central Headquarters under the control has been received. Central Office for National / International or Global level Central Office by Central Agricultural Development Institution, Mr. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Uttar Pradesh CRCD000561464368 dated 27.01.2022 Central office proposed or is in progress in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It is proposed to establish a global level central financial office in Mumbai, Maharashtra under the control of the Central Office by the Central Agricultural Development Institution.